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Cetona, Province of Siena, Italy
Extra virgin olive oil producer, cook, recipe writer, pop-up restaurant caterer, insiders tours

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Pici with Asparagus ...

Something old, and something new....

It's nearly May, thinking of touring in Tuscany..?  Maybe I can tempt you...
What's interesting about what's happening with the indie food scene here in Tuscany is that it is beginning to get a little adventurous.
We have great ingredients: they're seasonal. from local farms. we have the possibility to hunt & forage in our woodlands.  we've got great bodied red wines...  And now we've got wonderful fresh biodynamic whites. The best organic goats' cheeses and a forest of wild herbs. Tuscany is on the move. We're keeping what's good. And embracing what's new & good.
So, here's the pici we all know and love.  just not with ragù....because this is the time of year to be eating snappy tasty asparagus, not meat sauce!!
and i'm not going to even write the recipe because it's too easy. pici. good evo oil, fresh asparagus. grated cheese of choice. black pepper.
#italianfoodietour #tuscany #foodtour #wildfood #foodietour
indie food & wine tours